Hacked celebrities nude photos

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That tool, which costs between $199 and $799 depending on what features a user wants, certainly has the capability to crack iCloud accounts. He simply emailed the celebrities and asked them for their login information, which, it seems, they duly gave away.

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Court documents showed he required no hacking skills at all, creating fake email addresses - and - that appeared to come from official Apple and Google sources. What’s startling about Collins’ alleged “hacks” is how little technical ability he needed to get access to those celebrity accounts. Collins has pled guilty to one count of unauthorized access to a protected computer to obtain information, officials said. Though not explicitly stated in the court filings or official statements from the DoJ, it’s apparent Ryan Collins is a chief suspect in the 2014 “celebgate” leaks in which major actresses were targeted, including Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton.

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The Department of Justice yesterday charged a 36-year-old man with stealing nude photos from at least 50 iCloud and 72 Gmail accounts, most of which belonged to celebrities.

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