For example, a melody might go 'C4-E4-G4-C5'. This lacks rhythmic input and will keep you fixed to a simple diatonic scale.Īlphanumeric Pitch Notation: This system uses the letters A-G in combination with numbers 0-9 to represent pitches, with C4 often being set as 'middle C'. Solfège: Describe simple melodies using the do-re-mi system. This works surprisingly well with the right prompts. We used this format in the next section, using ChatGPT to write javascript code and create MIDI files. For example, a C Major arpeggio would be represented as 60, 64, 67. Piano Roll Notation: Describe the melody using MIDI note numbers, representing the values on Digital Audio Workstation's piano roll. We already highlighted its problems previously. Guitar Tablature: You'll get melodies as they appear on a guitar neck, but rhythm will be missing. Scale Degrees: Naming a melody in relation to the key it's in using scale degrees (e.g., 'In the key of C Major: 1-3-5'). Standard Notation: Naming notes (e.g., 'C-E-G') along with their durations (e.g., 'quarter note C, half note E, quarter note G').